Why is predictability important to the welfare of our pets?

Why is predictability important to the welfare of our pets? Predictability can go a long way toward helping an animal feel safe, which ultimately leads to that animal experiencing less stress, more quality of life and a desire to want to participate.

Predictability can go a long way toward helping an animal feel safe, which ultimately leads to that animal experiencing less stress, more quality of life and a desire to want to participate. Of course, it is better to be able to predict POSITIVE outcomes.

I can think about lots of examples with myself.

It can be scary to go into an important meeting when you do not know how your message will be received, or when your meeting is with a boss or client whose behavior has been sometimes very negative and other times positive.

I am afraid of flying. The lack of predictability when it comes to air turbulence, especially on a stormy day, can be upsetting for me.

Haunted houses are scary because, well, terrifying monsters can jump out without any warning.

Think about this now from the standpoint of our non-human companions.

Where predictability is lacking, there can be increased stress.

If your pet can not predict that

He won’t get hurt when you clip his nails

He won’t be yelled at or handled in an unpleasant way upon your arrival

He won’t be charged by an off-leash dog in a particular area

Or that

Something good will happen when he comes

Leashes mean something fun is going to happen

THEN this lack of predictability can create stress. For dogs that already have underlying anxiety issues in certain situations, lack of predictability can heighten that anxiety response.

I encourage you to brainstorm with your own life and the life you share with your pet. What can you do to make GOOD more PREDICTABLE?

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Lisa Desatnik

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed 
  • Certified Fear Free Professional
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator
  • Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator
  • Certificate of Completion – Aggression in Dogs Master Course
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant