We started working with Lisa when we first got our puppy Reggie, who is a Corgi.  She was recommended to us by our veterinarian who had concerns that our puppy may have behavioral issues.  From when we started working with Lisa to now – we have seen such a huge shift with our sweet pup.  We’ve learned how to help him thrive, behave and have fun all at once!  We also have two young toddlers – so we’ve learned how to have our pup and kiddos interaction with each other safely while still having fun (they are now the best of friends).  However, the best result that came from Lisa is when our vet had to keep Reggie for a day following our trainings.  When we came to pick him up – the vet said Reggie was the light of their day and that every person who interacted with him just absolutely adored him and kept going back to love on him.  No doubt, thanks to Lisa!  If you are reading this – I would highly recommend connecting with Lisa in any capacity you can – you won’t regret it!
~Chandra and Lee Groh

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