I can’t imagine finding a more perfect dog trainer than Lisa Desatnik Lisa changed all of our thinking. Our 1year old Berner is so tuned into us, and totally follows our lead!  WE as humans have learned how to communicate and read Elsie to obtain desired behaviors.

Our large puppy would get overly excited and jump and bite our arms with excitement. Tired of bruised and scabbed arms, Lisa caught our attention as she is soft spoken and has been featured many times on Channel 9, WCPO. Our instincts were right on with what we were looking for!

There is so much more to dog training then just teaching a few commands. There’s a relationship between canine and human that Lisa fostered for a lifetime!  Literally, hundreds of things to pay attention to and do during training to get the desired end results. We were never aware of all of this in the past, and know now we will have such a well trained dog.

Friends remark that they can clearly see how well trained Elsie is by her behavior. It will be a lifetime of continual training and positive reinforcement to foster the best relationship and behavior, which would not be possible without Lisa. All future dogs that join our family will start out with Lisa training right away!

~Sherri Marshall

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