We rescued an 8-month old puppy in February. Hiro was wonderful at first, but soon revealed himself to be extremely stubborn. We tried different approaches on our own, until he began “zooming” in a way that involved attacking and biting us. We were desperate for help, and Lisa was highly recommended.

Right before we were scheduled to meet, the Covid-19 quarantine was issued. Lisa rolled fluidly with the new restrictions. She “met” us on Zoom. With a little creative camera work on our part, she was able to assess Hiro’s challenges (as well as ours!). We learned so much from her, immediately, which helped us to put a stop to the zooming/attacking/biting us. We continued to meet virtually and then in person with masks, making great strides in Hiro’s behavior. It was amazing. She’s excellent at what she does, so her abilities easily and effectively helped us to meet our pup’s needs, making for a much happier dog!
~ D’Shon Shapiro

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