With our three children in finally in high school, my husband and I decided that it was time for a puppy. If we could parent teenagers, we felt certain that we could handle a fifteen pound dog. Unfortunately it wasn’t that easy. Three children in high school meant that we were always on the run and the puppy had to fit into our schedules. After ten months she was still not house trained, jumped up on all of our visitors, took off running whenever the opportunity presented itself and disliked being touched. Our training methods were clearly not working. A good friend recommended that I call Lisa Desatnik based upon the success she had with her puppy and I couldn’t be more pleased. Lisa’s has a golden touch with animals. In a matter of thirty minutes, she had our dog calming laying at her feet waiting for the next instruction. After just a few sessions with Lisa, our dog would come with simple signals, walk on a loose lease in step with me versus trying to run away and she has really helped her with sensitivity issues. If we followed Lisa’s house training suggestions more consistently, we would have that down as well. Lisa’s approach is very different from traditional training methods. She completely relies on positive reinforcement which makes the dog want to perform. Looking back I wish we would have started working with Lisa as soon as our puppy arrived before her bad habits developed but she has done a great job helping us train her.
~ Jackie Brenning

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