Why I Don’t Teach NOT To Do Something

The other day, as my client and I (and her dog) were preparing to go outside, I witnessed what I see a lot. And it got me thinking about a lesson for everyone.

DRI As A Dog Training Tool

Last week I had a first appointment to meet this adorable jack russell terrier and his family. It was a pretty exciting occasion for him and he greeted me by jumping, wagging his tail, and fast movements. He was getting so stimulated between the new visitor and a room of kids plus two parents, thatRead more “DRI As A Dog Training Tool”

Treat And Retreat

Sometimes, the unexpected happens…and it becomes a good topic for a blog post! Last week, while working outside with a longtime client, a man came by on a bike. He happens to be a dog lover so he stopped and got off his bike to say hello. Everything seemed fine about that, the girl onRead more “Treat And Retreat”

5 Reasons To Teach Your Dog Tricks

Five Reasons To Teach Your Dog Trick Behaviors

If you think teaching your dog novel behaviors is a waste of time, I encourage you to think again. I have five reasons why you may want to spend a few minutes to train some different behaviors.

Positive Reinforcement In Dog Training

Just a brief reminder about behavior…teaching using positive reinforcement is not about bribing, and most certainly is not about force. Scientifically speaking, positive reinforcement is a consequence of a behavior that either maintains or strengthens it. As trainers, we are using positive reinforcement to build value for a behavior by pairing it with something theRead more “Positive Reinforcement In Dog Training”

How To Stop Your Dog From Barking Out Windows

It is not uncommon for people who share homes with a dog to complain about their furry friend bursting into a barking frenzy as a response to seeing or hearing something outside the window. Understandably the noise can be really annoying to human ears, especially when it comes at inopportune times.