Good Dog Training Habits Build Good Dog Manners

A list of good dog training habits to build good dog manners

In my dog training, I help such a broad range of people to have a well-mannered dog or with help for their dog’s behavioral issues like fear. Much of how I do that is coaching people on how to train their dog more effectively. Good dog training habits build good dog manners.

A Dog Training Lesson From Cheetos

What Cheetos binging taught me about solving dog behavior problems

I have a real weakness for some types of food that are not good for me…like Cheetos and yogurt covered nuts. It is why I do not have it in my house. Eating that stuff in large quantity causes my pants to get tighter and can make me bloated the next day.

The Four Quadrants Of Consequences

understanding the four quadrants of operant conditioning in dog training

I watched as a client’s puppy jumped and wiggled when she tried to clip a leash onto his collar. “Is that the behavior you would like for him to exhibit each time you present a leash?,” I asked. “No,” was her answer.

Love Means Using Positive Reinforcement

love means using positive reinforcement

Valentine’s Day is approaching…the holiday of love. The trainer in me loves this quote by B.F. Skinner. Absolutely, love is the use of positive reinforcement and vice versa. In other words, love is about giving those in your life feedback that you like what they are doing by your doing something back that they value.