Managing Your Crawling Baby And Your Dog

I see so often in Youtube videos and online photos. A baby is crawling toward the family dog. (I also see babies and toddlers grabbing the dog, holding the dog’s collar, or putting a tiny hand in the dog’s food bowl) Honestly, these situations make me uneasy. I know there are very well intentioned, loving parents behind the lens who simply are enjoying the ‘cuteness’ of the moment. What I also see is the potential for things to go wrong. It is a fine line I, and other Family Paws parent educators balance between sharing the joy with parents and educating parents about how best to minimize stress and create more harmony when a baby or toddler is a sibling to a dog.  

Pleases keep reading for some parenting tips.

A Toddler Can Be A Weird, Scary Creature To A Dog

For parents: managing your crawling baby and your family dog. Parenting tips to build harmony when your home includes a baby, toddler and a dog.

Babies and toddlers (and young kids) can cause any dog to be uncomfortable. They are unpredictable. They invade personal space without a welcome. They grab for things – including dog toys, dog bones, and dog body parts. They make strange, erratic, and sometimes loud noises. They often are with unusual things that can be flung around, dropped, or also make weird noises.

For dogs who are more curious, babies can also be temptations for a dog to do ‘naughty’ behaviors such as grab, pounce, jump, bite, and steal. If that happens, there is the possibility those behaviors can be followed with negative consequences such as that dog being scolded, having the ‘thing’ taken away, or the baby or toddler screaming.

There are other potential cautions even for a dog who chooses to interact with the baby or toddler. The dog can cause the small person to feel uncomfortable. The dog may want to play and may become too mouthy or jumpy, which can be scary for a tiny human being. Unintentional accidents can happen.

Parenting Tips For Building Harmony In Your Home With A Crawling Baby

Two things are super important to focus on when it comes to helping your dog to feel better around his unpredictable, sometimes scary little creature housemate….structuring your home to help your dog feel safe and heard; and teaching positive associations with being in the presence of your mobile baby.

Before the teaching positive associations can occur, your dog needs to feel safe so let’s talk about that.

Do you know how your dog communicates when he is stressed?  Here is a sheet that lists some of the common signs to watch for. If you would like to receive a hard copy of this sheet, please contact me via my Contact Lisa page. I am happy to send it to you.

Use gates and separate spaces to prevent access. Remember babies have a tendency to reach and grab. You may want to use a double gate to keep tiny hands and fingers from reaching through the spaces. If your dog is comfortable being inside a crate, you can use the crate; however, never have the crate in a place where your baby can be close to it. While your dog can feel safe in the crate, he can also feel trapped which can escalate your dog’s feelings of discomfort. It is always best to have a parent or adult in between when a baby and dog are in the same space.

ALWAYS – and this is critical – actively supervise any space where your baby (or toddler or young child) and your dog are present. This means having your attention on them both, watching for body language and proximity. Be ready to redirect one or both of them when you see one of them showing stress, or the potential is there for showing stress. NEVER leave the room when your dog and baby are together.

Teach your dog to check in with you when he needs help…and teach your dog that he can count on you to have his back. It may seem subtle so if you are not aware to watch for it, you may miss it. If your dog looks at you in a moment of discomfort, he is looking for help. It is far better that your dog communicates the need for space to a trusted adult, rather than communicating to your baby. If your dog checks in, let your dog know you will take care of him. Encourage your dog to move away to a location where he can feel safe.

It needs to be said that many dogs prefer to be near their trusted adult, which means they may put and keep themselves in a location that is too close for comfort to that unpredictable housemate. Your dog may not necessarily get up and move, even if stressed. However, you will still see stress signals. Your dog may be conflicted between moving away and being near the adult supervisor. It is important to understand that. ALWAYS pay attention to your dog and your baby’s body language, and act upon your dog’s check ins.

Be very aware of growly zones. These are tight spaces where your dog will not be able to freely move away. Being in a growly zone can heighten your dog’s stress and likelihood of feeling the need to escalate his distance increasing behaviors such as growling, snarling, lunging or biting. A growly zone can be a crate, a corner space, or narrow hallway as examples.

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Lisa Desatnik

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed 
  • Certified Fear Free Professional
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator
  • Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator
  • Certificate of Completion – Aggression in Dogs Master Course
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant