Here is a simple dog training tip: If you want your dog to give you attention, check in, and listen to you outside, you have to earn that privilege. Practice showing your dog that YOU have the power to make FUN things happen when your dog CHOOSES to give you attention outside. Do it often. Make having fun it a dog training habit.
Remember, your dog is constantly making choices based upon where the value is for your dog. If you want your dog to give you attention, whether inside or outside, you have to earn that privilege. How do you earn it? Through experience. Through lots of practice of your dog learning that attention, checking in and listening to YOU is well worth your dog’s effort.
Also remember that ONLY your dog gets to decide whether or not something is FUN for your dog.
How will you know? By watching your dog. If your dog shows an interest in engaging with you, and wants to engage with you more, you more than likely are doing something that your dog enjoys.
If you live in Cincinnati, and would like to hear some more tips, please consider joining me for my fall behavior talk at the Wyoming Civic Center, part of my education series with my hometown – Wyoming Ohio. It is November 8 and it is FREE. Pre-registration is required. Here is a link.