This photo always makes me shutter. There are so many potential negative outcomes from allowing little children (really anyone of any age) to be hovering over a dog while eating…adding to that having little hands intruding on a dog’s resource by reaching into the bowl from which the dog is eating. This can make a dog extremely uncomfortable and untrusting of little people and little hands nearby while with a valued resource such as food or a toy…and compounding the issue, children and infants typically do not understand or heed dog body language. Parents may not realize trouble is brewing either. And there is only so much any dog will tolerate before needing to escalate from tight body muscles to a low growl to worse.

Parents, please do your part to prevent dog bites and help your child and your dog’s relationship succeed by pro-actively supervising and redirecting your child, your dog or both BEFORE trouble begins. Teach your child that dogs like to be left alone when they have something of value (including when they are eating) and that little hands should NEVER take things from their dog.