Joel’s Legacy: Adoption Is About Love

A Lesson In Love Learned By Joel

On the day after DOGust Day, a day when we celebrate the birth of adopted dogs whose real birthdays may be unknown, I’d like to share with you his very special story. His life, his spirit and his journey while here on earth so moved the people in whose care he found experienced enduring love that he will never be forgotten…and will be a constant reminder of their purpose. Their passion.

Joel was a rescued dog at the Clermont County Animal Shelter whose adoption story inspired love and will never be forgotten. Carolyn Evans, otherwise known as Cincinnati’s PhoDOGrapher, founder of the My Furry Valentine mega adoption event, and now executive director of Clermont Animal CARE Humane Society, told me – of all the dogs her rescue and animal welfare work has touched, his adoption story is her favorite.

In Carolyn’s own words, “Joel was one of the 60 or so dogs that was waiting for us when we took possession of the shelter on January 1st. He was a long-timer and was continually overlooked. He was old and sick, and every day we hoped a family would come along and swoop him up. Sadly, that day never came.

On May 1st, Joel was rushed to the vet because the right side of his face was swollen. It was a difficult diagnosis. Initially, the vet thought that it might be an allergic reaction to an insect bite. He also considered the possibility that maybe Joel injured himself with a fall, but that was quickly ruled out. He was treated with a steroid injection, Benadryl and we continued to monitor him closely. Joel came home with our Medical Director where he seemed to improve and his handsome face went back to normal. Unfortunately, the swelling began to return slowly even with the steroids and we took him to the emergency vet because the swelling was so severe that his right eye was swollen shut. An x-ray of Joel’s skull identified a mast cell tumor.

We discussed options, cried, talked more, consulted the oncologist and made the most difficult decision but one that was best for Joel. After a trip to the drive-thru, a few hamburgers and fries, tons of kisses and tears, Joel gained his wings.

Our hearts were broken and we just couldn’t get our heads around the idea that Joel never found his forever home. But then we had a beautiful realization… that WE were his forever home. Every one of us loved him and he will forever be a part of us. Joel WAS someone’s dog – he was OUR dog. Joel was officially adopted by the staff and volunteers of Clermont Animal CARE Humane Society.”

Animals And Humans Meet

While Joel’s story, his home, and his heart are his own personal legacy…what he shares with the hundreds, even thousands of dogs and cats, who have found their way to one of the dozens of local animal rescues and shelters is his capacity to give and receive love.

It is why people like Carolyn – passionate volunteers, advocates, and professionals – do what they do. And it is why over 15,000 people now attend the My Furry Valentine mega adoption event. Nearly 1000 found their best friend at the last event in February.

And, THIS year, organizers have added a new summer Summer Lovin’ Adoption Event – scheduled for August 18 and 19 at the Sharonville Convention Center. Just as with the winter event, dozens of nonprofit dog and cat rescue organizations will be on hand with puppies, adult dogs, kittens and cats (and even some smaller animals).

My Furry Valentine has added a new summer mega dog and cat adoption event in Cincinnati

If you are looking to add a new furry friend to your family, absolutely plan on attending!

Before you go, please read my post on considerations to think about BEFORE adopting. Think about your lifestyle and what general breed qualities will fit best within it also BEFORE you are smitten by the adorable face in front of you.

Contact Cincinnati Certified Dog Trainer Lisa Desatnik, CPDT-KA, CPBC

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Lisa Desatnik

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed 
  • Certified Fear Free Professional
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator
  • Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator
  • Certificate of Completion – Aggression in Dogs Master Course
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant