Gaining Wings Book Helps Families Deal With Losing A Pet

In my mind, there is no such thing as ‘just a pet’.  Animals that live and have lived in my home are very much part of my family. My dogs and birds have brought me comfort, listened when I needed an ear, been close when I just needed company, made me laugh and smile, and yes, sometimes want to made me want to get away from their challenges. Each time that I have lost one, I lost a big piece of my heart. If you too have shared your life with a non-human animal, you more than likely know what I am talking about. If you also share your life with a human child, that loss gives you even more to cope with. Leave it to my friends at Angel’s Paws Cincinnati pet hospice to publish a wonderful, Gaining Wings, a book all about helping families with kids deal with the grief of losing a pet when their pet goes over the Rainbow Bridge.

Leave it to my friends at Angel’s Paws pet hospice to publish a wonderful book, Gaining Wings, all about helping families with kids deal with the grief of losing a pet when their pet goes over the Rainbow Bridge. The first thing I noticed when I got my copy was the joyfulness portrayed in the cover illustration. Right away I knew, this was going to be a nurturing, uplifting book about a very difficult life event. I was correct. From the first page to the last, the content is so beautifully thought through and designed.

I love how Gaining Wings begins with a letter to parents, acknowledging their roles as caregivers with empathy and outlines what tools it offers to support them through putting their own oxygen mask on first, being present with their pet and recognizing when it is time to let their pet go over the Rainbow Bridge, as well as helping their children prepare.

Pages are compassionately mixed with explaining love and loss through a story for kids, and well thought out tips for parents. In a very gentle way, this book normalizes loss and grief, and reminds families to cherish the experiences and love shared. There are suggestions for creating a bucket list of activities to maximize families’ remaining time with their pet, and preplanning ways to celebrate their pet so as not to forget.

I wish that my family had this book when we went through this process. Gaining Wings is a book that every home with children and a pet (and even homes that do not include children) should have. Thank you to Tammy and Joel for creating it!


Meet the authors of Gaining Wings book

It was in 2018 when I first met Angel’s Paws CEO Tammy Wynn. This is the type of work that requires a gentle compassion. It is a career for people who give with their heart at a time when others are struggling and searching for inner strength and peace. Tammy is that type of person. Her beautiful soul connected with me. A licensed therapist of over 30 years, Tammy took a job as a human hospice social worker to better understand how to help pet families before becoming a registered vet tech on her dream path toward the ultimate goal – building a nonprofit pet hospice.

If you share a home and heart with a pet, I encourage you to get to know Angel’s Paws. Tammy’s team offers a whole spectrum of incredible tender support in end-of-life care for the non-human animals and their people.

By the way, all of the animals in the Gaining Wings family illustrations are Tammy’s pets – those who have crossed over the rainbow bridge and those still with her.

You can read more about Tammy and her pets that inspired Angel’s Paws in this interview I did with her for my other blog, Good Things Going Around.

Like Tammy, Joel had a special non-human companion. Kurt was Joel’s first police K-9 partner, who, after serving a long, respected career, retired to enjoy civilian life with his buddy. “For many years, Kurt and I worked together every day and I spent more time with him than I did with the rest of my family. He was a big part of my life and was the best friend, guide and protector I could have ever asked for,” Joel said.

Joel and Kurt met Tammy when Angel’s Paws supported them during Kurt’s final days, and then after Kurt’s transition, with the hole left in Joel’s heart.

Many do not realize, when a military or police dog retires to civilian life, the government no longer pays for any living expenses. Angel’s Paws had already established an Angel’s Watch Fund for those without financial resources to pay for services. After being touched by Joel and his companion, that reach was expanded. Now there is a bucket within Angel’s Watch to give heroes like Kurt the dignity and respect they deserve, of a private goodbye in the privacy of their own home.

Gaining Wings…gained wings

In addition to his service, Joel is a published author. It just made sense that he approach Tammy to co-author a book for grieving pet families. It was a project Tammy had wanted to do for over 13 years. They began working on Gaining Wings around the time when Tammy lost her own dog, Sukie (the dog featured in this book).

Great tips for helping your child to cope with the loss of a pet in this interview with Tammy Wynn!

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Lisa Desatnik

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed 
  • Certified Fear Free Professional
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator
  • Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator
  • Certificate of Completion – Aggression in Dogs Master Course
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant