For Outdoor Activities, Dog Paw Wax Can Protect Your Pet

This week, on a very cold morning, I had an outdoor loose leash walking lesson. We needed to drive to several areas to find a place that was not covered with salt. At this time of year in Cincinnati, salt on surfaces is pretty common place Chemicals and extreme temperature surfaces, can be very harmful to your dog’s paws. Dog paw wax can protect your dog’s paws in conditions like snow/ice, heat or rough surfaces, or chemically treated areas.

Dog paw wax is similar in consistency to a lip balm, and acts as a semi-permeable shield on your dog’s paws while allowing perspiration to escape normally through his paw pads Good products like Musher’s Secret are Dog paw wax can keep your dog's paws safe in the winter or summer.non-toxic if your dog licks it.

Applying Dog Paw Wax

Just take a small amount and rub it into your dog’s paws several times a week. I just swipe a finger across it, then massage it into my Dawson’s paws.  Heat from your hand will melt it to help it spread. If your dog attracts snowballs in between his toes, also apply it in between those toes. Applying it before bed in the evening allows it to absorb into your dog’s pads overnight.

Keep in mind that if your dog will not let you handle his paws, it will be helpful to work on desensitizing him to that before applying the wax. You can also smear pumpkin or yogurt on a lick mat, keeping your dog’s focus on licking the food rather than your handling his paws.

Be cautious about using Vaseline. If your dog licks it a lot, it could cause diarrhea or an upset stomach. Also, it just doesn’t work as well as a paw moisturizer. And, by blocking natural oils and dirt in your dog’s pores, it can actually create an ideal opportunity for yeast and fungus to grow.

DIY Paw Wax Recipe

If you’d rather make your own balm, it is fairly easy to make. Below is a recipe I found from AKC.


21-24 standard lip balm tubes OR 6 1-oz. tins
a small digital kitchen scale, optional
small pot or double boiler


2 oz. (approx. 2 tbsp.) olive, sunflower, or sweet almond oil
2 oz. (approx. 2 tbsp.) coconut oil
1 oz. (approx. 1 tbsp.) shea butter
4 tsp. beeswax
(You can purchase these on


In a small pot or double boiler over low heat melt the oils, shea butter, and beeswax. Stir continuously until all is melted and well blended.

Carefully pour the mixture into lip balm tubes and/or tins. (buy on amazon)

Let them cool on the counter until hard.

Cap and label.

Keep away from extreme heat.


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Lisa Desatnik

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed 
  • Certified Fear Free Professional
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator
  • Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator
  • Certificate of Completion – Aggression in Dogs Master Course
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant