Care Center Holding Dog Blood Drive

Blood drives are not just for humans. Blood donations save dog lives too. You can your dog can make a difference.

Care Center Vets and Hoxworth Blood Center Vets hosting dog blood driveOn May 3, the Care Center is hosting a 3rd annual Blood Drive with Hoxworth Blood Center for humans and their dogs. It is being held at the Care Center Animal Blood Bank (6995 E Kemper Rd; Cincinnati, OH 45249) Eligible dogs must be between 1 and 5 years old, and weight at least 50 pounds. No pre-registration for your dog is necessary; however, if you would like to donate blood also, please contact Hoxworth at 513-451-0910 to schedule your appointment.

Questions & Answers from the Care Center:

Q:  Why are dog blood donations important?

 A:  Just like people, dogs can become ill or injured and need to receive a transfusion.  Our blood bank supplies the area with fresh whole blood as well as blood components (packed red cells and plasma products).  Now that we are approaching the summer months, dogs and their owners are more active outside, and we have a much higher demand for blood due to trauma cases, etc.  Each blood donation we receive can be used to save the lives of up to 4 other dogs.  Some dogs are so critically ill that they need to have several transfusions before they are ready to go home again.

Q:  Do dogs have different blood types just like people?

A:  Dogs do have several different blood types.  A universal donor dog is able to donate blood to any other dog, regardless of blood type.  Our blood bank performs blood typing on potential donor dogs.  At this time, we are only able to accept universal donors into the program because there isn’t demand for the other major blood type in this region.

 Q:  How does giving blood impact the dog?

 A: Only a small amount of blood is drawn from each dog during the screening process at a blood drive.  If the dog is a universal donor, we will send the remaining blood to the lab for comprehensive testing (complete blood count, chemistry profile, infectious disease testing).  Once these tests are passed, the owners are called to schedule an appointment for the first blood donation.  No tiredness is expected from the blood drive screening.

Some dogs may be a little more tired than normal after donating blood, but this usually only lasts a few hours.  Many of our donor dogs are active in dog sports, therapy dogs, or in training classes.  Dogs can do all their normal activities the day they give blood.

The Care Center is a 24 hour emergency, trauma
and critical care hospital for pets in Cincinnati.


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Lisa Desatnik

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed 
  • Certified Fear Free Professional
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator
  • Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator
  • Certificate of Completion – Aggression in Dogs Master Course
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant