Behavior Relief

Support for dogs with fear, aggression, anxiety and other behavior issues

I get it. Sharing your life (and heart) with a fearful, anxious and/or reactive dog with big feelings about some aspect of life is not only stressful for your dog, it is stressful for you too…and your relationship. I have lived it with my maltipoo, Dawson. Anti-anxiety medications have been a part of my dog’s since he was young. There have been lots of challenges. It has been a huge energy drainer (for both of us). My past has included many tears and many more questions. But our experience together has taught me so very much as my dog’s caregiver, his companion, and his teacher. Having Dawson in my life has given me a much deeper sense of understanding and empathy for dog parents living with a fearful, anxious or reactive dog.

Today, Dawson is living a very fulfilled life. That gives me so much joy.

Know this. Whether your dog experiences aggression, anxiety, fear, or other behavioral issues, there is hope. I’d like to help you see that.


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Behavior relief is about so much more than dog training.

In coaching and collaborating with you as your dog’s caregiver, trainer and friend; we will look at the whole picture. Learning experience. Environment. Genetics. Your dog’s unique self.

Every dog and every relationship is unique. And so is the behavior modification plan for how to support you and your beloved pet. However, with every dog and every relationship, my goal is to support positive change (and quality of life) in the kindest, most humane way.


Puppy Training

Lisa is wonderful! Our golden retriever puppy, Bliss, has been much more manageable since Lisa came, and we’ve been incorporating everything she showed us. Bliss is a different puppy! Now she’s fun to play with and the kids aren’t afraid to interact with her anymore. We highly recommend Lisa! ~ Anne Lynn Minick

Kids and Dogs Education

Our students at Kennedy Heights Montessori Center are ages 3 to 6. Often, young children do not know how to interact appropriately with dogs and how to understand what dogs are trying to tell them. Not only can that cause dogs to be uncomfortable around them (and them to be uncomfortable around dogs), it can… Read more “Kids and Dogs Education”

Family Dog Training

It was amazing to see how quickly Wizzbang learned when Lisa demonstrated and then coached us to teach him behaviors; and then, how much he remembered when we worked with him on our own between sessions. He is doing really well as we continue to practice with the techniques Lisa showed us. – John Zimmerly

Puppy Training

Lisa helped train our Vizsla puppy Rosie! We could not have asked for a more intuitive, knowledgeable, and caring trainer. Vizsla’s tend to be a little wild and crazy, and Lisa’s knowledge, skills and positive training style was perfect for us. She created a wonderful learning environment for us and our puppy in the comfort… Read more “Puppy Training”

Family Dog Training

Lisa, thank you so much. You are a very sweet, gentle and knowledgeable person to work with. Those tips changed our lives over the weekend and made things so much more positive and productive with our Duncan. Our family did a great job of copying the things that I shared with them – things you… Read more “Family Dog Training”

Dog Manners Training

Lisa is a talented dog trainer. She helps you see how your dog sees the world. All dogs are different just like people and Lisa is able to intuitively understand your dog. I saw changes in our Louie right after her first training session with him. Louie is now following commands better and enjoying his… Read more “Dog Manners Training”

Adolescent Dog Training

With our three children in finally in high school, my husband and I decided that it was time for a puppy. If we could parent teenagers, we felt certain that we could handle a fifteen pound dog. Unfortunately it wasn’t that easy. Three children in high school meant that we were always on the run… Read more “Adolescent Dog Training”

Dog Separation Anxiety

My vet recommended that I contact Lisa to help me deal with my newly rescued dog’s separation anxiety. After talking with other trainers about their methods and experience, I decided to work with Lisa. I’m very happy I did. She gave me a lot of really helpful techniques and advice. I’m still working on getting… Read more “Dog Separation Anxiety”

Dog Manners Training

Lisa took on the challenge of our four-year-old rescue Labrador retriever. She experienced a very difficult life before adopted her. Coco is doing quite well now. Lisa’s obedience training methods have given us the skills and confidence to develop a wholesome relationship with our beautiful girl. Coco is a real joy and fun to be… Read more “Dog Manners Training”

Puppy Training

In preparation for receiving my four-month-old goldendoodle Buddy, I read two books about the art of raising happy dogs. Each book detailed methods on how to make the dog do something. The overriding theme was exercise, discipline, and affection – in that order. I was eager to learn and did my best to internalize what… Read more “Puppy Training”

Senior Dog Training

I wasn’t sure that it was possible to ‘teach an old dog new tricks’, but Lisa changed my mind! Our 15-year-old dog had started to bark all the time whenever my husband and I were in our kitchen. The barking was so annoying that we couldn’t enjoy being in our kitchen or have people over… Read more “Senior Dog Training”

Adolescent Puppy Training

We rescued an 8-month old puppy in February. Hiro was wonderful at first, but soon revealed himself to be extremely stubborn. We tried different approaches on our own, until he began “zooming” in a way that involved attacking and biting us. We were desperate for help, and Lisa was highly recommended. Right before we were… Read more “Adolescent Puppy Training”

Dog Anxiety

We enlisted Lisa’s help for our dog Alfie when we first adopted him. We thought we just needed basic obedience and leash training, but soon discovered Alfie was a very nervous and fearful dog. With Lisa’s help, we learned to identify when he was showing more subtle signs of fear and anxiety and she taught… Read more “Dog Anxiety”

Dog Manners/Aggressive Dog

We have three dogs, one who is very mellow, one that is kind of afraid of many things and one who can be a little aggressive. Lisa was very helpful in assisting us in how to work them individually and as a group, or pack I suppose would be the better word. I was always… Read more “Dog Manners/Aggressive Dog”

Puppy Training/Family Dog Training With Kids

Lisa came to our house to help us train our 4 month old puppy, Frankie. She has been so supportive throughout the training process-answering emails and texts in between sessions and sending us links and advice. Lisa involved my two children in every session which added to the fun when training her. We purchased the… Read more “Puppy Training/Family Dog Training With Kids”

Veterinarian Referral for Dog Training

A problem pet owners sometimes have is getting their dog to listen and respond to their commands. Lisa has achieved tremendous results in correcting this problem with a number of my patients. I own an accredited AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) hospital in Kenwood, Ohio and have built my veterinary practice on an unwavering commitment… Read more “Veterinarian Referral for Dog Training”

Puppy Training

Our family had a wonderful experience with Lisa.  We were hoping to find someone who could help make training a new puppy Labrador a positive and fun experience.  Lisa exceeded our expectations.  She is extremely well versed in the principles of behaviorism, and she has a calm, warm, and patient style in her approach, which… Read more “Puppy Training”

Dog Aggression

We looked at several different trainers to help us with our aggression challenge.  Lisa uses only positive reinforcements and she’s really good at it. I thoroughly enjoyed every session with her. And Piper, our female JRT loves her. We could not be happier with our results. Our fur-family thanks you for all you do. ~Toni… Read more “Dog Aggression”

Puppy Training/Adolescent Dog Training

I have a 6 month old highly energetic toy poodle and didn’t know where to start to teach her the basics of good behavior. Lisa worked with us for 6 weeks and it was a real eye opener for me as I realized that I was the one being taught! Her methods shed light on… Read more “Puppy Training/Adolescent Dog Training”

Veterinarian Referral for Dog Training

I have been thrilled to have a trainer to refer my patients to. It makes a world of difference to know that my patients will be working with a gentle, understanding trainer who can truly help them with their fears and anxieties. So many trainers resort to brute  force and punishment, which only causes more… Read more “Veterinarian Referral for Dog Training”

Puppy Training

My husband and I decided after our youngest of three turned 11, that it was time to get a puppy and we went big – a Great Dane. Because of her size, we wanted to make sure she was well trained and while my husband and I both had dogs as children, we had never… Read more “Puppy Training”

Dog Loose Leash Walking Training

ng goldendoodle, was a little over a year when we started working together. I quickly realized I knew I not only needed a trainer for Clifford, but for myself also! Lisa has really helped both of us so much. We have been working very hard with Lisa on his walking on a loose leash and… Read more “Dog Loose Leash Walking Training”

Adolescent Dog Training

Lisa helped us train our 8-month-old German Short Haired Pointer, a very energetic and determined pup. We had tried some other training techniques, but our puppy was becoming increasingly fearful and unmanageable. We were recommended to Lisa by our vet, and I am so grateful! Lisa was helpful for many reasons, including offering an individualized… Read more “Adolescent Dog Training”

Dog Training To Help Prepare Parents For Newborn Baby

Lisa has a deep understanding of dogs and provides practical tips that truly changed our relationship with our dog. Before meeting with Lisa, having a dog was a huge source of stress for me and my husband. I never felt like I was doing enough for our five year old Australian Shepherd, and didn’t know… Read more “Dog Training To Help Prepare Parents For Newborn Baby”

Puppy Training

We adopted Auggie our 8-week-old Aussiedoodle in March, 2021. We were big fans of positive reinforcement training and Lisa was exactly the type of trainer were seeking. At first Auggie was shy and wouldn’t even let Lisa get close enough to walk her. Lisa helped train and provide the skills to my wife and me… Read more “Puppy Training”

Adolescent dog training for older adults

Our little Cockapoo puppy is one year old today. We are seniors and needed a little more life in our home. So we adopted Susie. She is everything we wanted and more. Like everything else, the more was a little more of a challenge than we expected. We asked our daughter to find us a… Read more “Adolescent dog training for older adults”

Other Trainer Recommendation

A good trainer is one that is calm, dedicated and devoted to the well-being of both the handler and the dog. Lisa Desatnik is that kind of trainer. When watching her work (with some difficult dogs) I was impressed with how quickly the dog(s) learn.  The dogs she worked with responded quickly to her methods.… Read more “Other Trainer Recommendation”

Dog Manners

Lisa is simply the best. When we brought three-year-old Piper home from a local shelter, we knew we wanted to find someone to help us train her, and we were so fortunate to find Lisa. Her positive training techniques, patience, and overall knowledge were just what we all needed. She trained us as much as… Read more “Dog Manners”

Dog Anxiety

Before working with Lisa, we were barely able to take our dog Lucy outside due to severe anxiety. After working with Lisa, Lucy is now much more relaxed and able to enjoy being outside. We’ve worked with several trainers, and Lisa far exceeded the other trainers we worked with in both knowledge about our dog’s… Read more “Dog Anxiety”

Dog Training

It is such a treat to work with Lisa. She is so respectful of pets and humans! She has been helping my daughter and I understand our dog Lee’s behaviors, what makes him feel uncomfortable, what builds confidence. He is a rescue with lots of energy. He loves to jump and he can go from… Read more “Dog Training”

Adolescent Dog Training

We worked with Lisa for several months and continue to be so grateful for what we learned, her guidance and her support! At the time our one-year old puppy was eager to learn and we all really took to Lisa’s approach and style – very clear on our goals, focusing on the bond and engagement,… Read more “Adolescent Dog Training”

Dog Training for Dog Anxiety and Manners

We rescued Brutus in February of 2022 when he was 1 year old. He has exhibited some anxious behaviors such as excessive whining, acting shy, fear of raised surfaces, and barking at strangers. He’s also a jumper on people he likes! As happy as he had been for the year we’ve had him, I knew… Read more “Dog Training for Dog Anxiety and Manners”

Dog Reactivity Training

For years my 10 year old Miniature Schnauzer, Olivia was horrible around other dogs. She would bark incessantly when around other dogs and humans. I never put it to the test but I was fearful it could have escalated to a dangerous situation. For years I made excuses for why she behaved as she did.… Read more “Dog Reactivity Training”

Dog Separation Anxiety

Lisa Desatnik has been fantastic at helping us with our dog’s separation anxiety. We were so discouraged and stressed about our dog, Mayday’s separation anxiety, ever improving prior to our first Zoom call with Lisa. Lisa’s separation anxiety modification process is really structured, so there was no guess work on our end which was so… Read more “Dog Separation Anxiety”

Puppy Training/Young Family With Toddler Training

We started working with Lisa when we first got our puppy Reggie, who is a Corgi.  She was recommended to us by our veterinarian who had concerns that our puppy may have behavioral issues.  From when we started working with Lisa to now – we have seen such a huge shift with our sweet pup. … Read more “Puppy Training/Young Family With Toddler Training”

Dog Anxiety and Fear

After having a very traumatic experience at our first basic obedience class with another trainer, our vet recommended calling Lisa for our very anxious and fearful one year old cockapoo, Wesley.  I am so glad I did! After my first phone call with Lisa, I went from feeling desperate and hopeless to having skeptical optimism. … Read more “Dog Anxiety and Fear”

Dog Manners Training

We were in desperate need of dog training with our two pups, Max and Ollie. When we began feeling frustrated with their behaviors, we reached out to Lisa to schedule our initial consultation. During the consultation we knew immediately Lisa was the perfect dog trainer for us, especially since she practices positive reinforcement. She gave… Read more “Dog Manners Training”

Dog Manners Training

Lisa is incredible. I got my dog when he was almost 2 and so while he new some basic commands, there was really some trust and bonding we both needed. While Lisa helped Teddy with some basic skills, the best part is how attentive Teddy is to me and how willing he his to learn… Read more “Dog Manners Training”

Puppy Training

I can’t imagine finding a more perfect dog trainer than Lisa Desatnik Lisa changed all of our thinking. Our 1year old Berner is so tuned into us, and totally follows our lead!  WE as humans have learned how to communicate and read Elsie to obtain desired behaviors. Our large puppy would get overly excited and… Read more “Puppy Training”

Dog Fear and Aggression

I reached out to Lisa when my cockapoo Ginger began growling, lunging and snapping at kids, men (and other unknown people) and other dogs. At that time taking her on walks was very difficult. Taking her out in the community was even more difficult. Lisa’s force-free techniques boosted our confidence together, built a stronger connection… Read more “Dog Fear and Aggression”

Contact :

Lisa Desatnik

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed 
  • Certified Fear Free Professional
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator
  • Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator
  • Certificate of Completion – Aggression in Dogs Master Course
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant
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