I saw the word ‘awaken’ over the weekend and it spoke to me. There are so many interpretations to that word. Its meaning to me had to do with motivation and inspiration, lighting an internal flame that causes someone to want to do
more, be more. Then I thought about how that is a reflection on how I see my role as a trainer and a teacher. For me, it is not enough to simply work to change behavior. I am always analyzing how can I make this lesson one that will minimize conflict, anxiety and fear; and maximize joy, trust, and active participation. When an animal willingly stays in the lesson with loose body muscles and a real interest in the activity, then it is not only about changing behavior, it is about quality of life. And the more that you practice being that kind of leader and teacher to your pet, the more your pet will want to learn from you.

I’d love to help you learn how to teach that way.