Understanding Puppy Fear Periods

understanding puppy fear periods

A story to help with your understanding of puppy fear periods: Eighteen-week-old Louis, a Westie puppy, was very relaxed behind a gate that divided his area and the living room where I sat with his human mom. He quietly played without crying or pawing to get to us. Even when we walked outside for a […]

Should Your Child Walk Your Dog?

Should your child walk your dog on a leash? There is a lot to think about, even for adults. Every dog is different, so I may teach loose leash walking differently depending on the dog…and the handler. And I may break down the behavior in many smaller components. Keep in mind, that maintaining no tension […]

How To Greet An Unknown Dog

Tips for How To Greet An Unknown Dog

There has been a lot published about the subject of how to greet an unknown dog. Many written with kids and dogs in mind, and dog bite prevention. Ask permission from the handler. Ask permission from the dog. Allow the dog to approach you. Stand sideways, present your fist or palm, and let the dog […]

Giving Treats To Bitey Puppy

treat delivery to a bitey puppy or dog in training

Giving treats to bitey puppies with really sharp teeth can take away the fun of treat delivery…and puppy training.  Or dog training for that matter. I see nervous people pull their hand away in anticipation of that puppy or dog hurting them. The problem is that doing this can cause the puppy or dog to […]

Dog Training In Everyday Activities

Everyday learning. Just a reminder…if you want to see more consistency in your dog’s behavior, practice consistency in feedback throughout the day. Yes, short focused training sessions are important to teach the behaviors you want to see (after all, if your pet doesn’t KNOW the skills, he won’t be able to practice them). However, if, […]

Problems With Luring In Dog Training

I see it happen all of the time. When I ask people to show me how they ask their dog to sit, they they pull out a treat, hold it in front of their dog’s face and tell their dog to sit. AND their dog sits. This is called luring, one strategy used in dog […]

Tight Spaces Can Cause Dogs To Growl

tight spaces can cause growly dogs

Tight spaces can cause dogs to growl. Just ask Ginger. The other night she was resting in the darkened, narrow hallway just outside her human mom’s closed bedroom door. During the day when she is resting in the open, first floor living space and her young human brother approaches, her body language clearly shows she […]

Loose Leash Walking: Teaching Your Dog A Directional Cue

There are times when you are practicing loose leash walking with your dog that you may need to change direction. One of my directional cues is “This Way.” It simply means, we are about to move backwards (or another direction) and I need for you to come with me. Below are some different reasons I […]

How I Strive To Be A Good Leader

a quote about leadership by Lisa Desatnik

“TO BE A GOOD LEADER, BE AN INSPIRER. My idea of a good leader is someone who shows empathy for others, someone who works to empower and inspire others to want to do more, be more. A good leader is fair and clear, and asks the question: How can I help others succeed? I strive […]