If We Can’t Manage It, We Can’t Change It

If we can't manage it, we can't change it. Aggression is highly reinforcing for the dog because it makes the scary thing go away in most circumstances and that will be remembered." A dog training quote from Michael Shikashio, CDBC, with Aggressive Dog

“If we can’t manage it, we can’t change it.” ~ Michael Shikashio, CDBC with Aggressive Dog.    This is a conversation I have with all of my behavior case dog training clients…for these very reasons. Aggressive dog behavior is like any other behavior that is strengthened by reinforcement. If it works to get a consequence […]

Dog Separation Anxiety: One Family’s Story

dog separation anxiety - one family's story

Talk about a reason to smile! Dog separation anxiety is a real panic attack. Just ask dear MayDay. His worst episode was tearing through window screening and getting onto the roof. As you can imagine, this was not only terrifying for him, it was stressful for his people too as they love him so very […]

Why You Should Use Antecedent Arrangement?

What is antecedent arrangement and why is it important in training dogs or other animals? Antecedent arrangement is making changes to the environment to make the undesirable behavior less likely and the desirable behavior more likely

I’m working with several families now who have called because of differing reactive behavior in their dog, barking and lunging on leash or barking at guests in their home. Anytime I am helping families with a behavior issue in their dog, one of the early steps is coming up with a management plan to prevent […]

Do You Need To Be Firmer With Your Dog?

Do you have trouble getting your dog to listen? I got a call the other day from a woman who, when she was talking about training problems with her dog told me she knows she needs to do a better job of being firmer with him. Since this has come up before, I thought I’d share some of my thoughts when it comes to teaching your dog good manners. If you are someone with this same concern, I want to encourage you to re-phrase how you are thinking about training your dog. Instead of thinking, “I have to be firmer with my dog”, I encourage you to think, “How can I do a better job of being someone my dog will WANT to listen to?”

Do you have trouble getting your dog to listen?  I got a call the other day from a woman who, when she was talking about training problems with her dog told me she knows she needs to do a better job of being firmer with him. If you are someone with this same concern, I […]

Winter Safety Tips For Your Dog

winter safety tips for your dog

If you live in my Greater Cincinnati region, I don’t need to tell you we are just about on the verge of one of worst winter storms. Very quickly over the next few hours, outside wind chill temperatures will be dropping to minus 20 to 30 degrees or lower with snow and ice. We will […]

Understanding Flooding And Learned Helplessness In Training

understanding flooding and learned helplessness in dog training

I had been looking forward to that night for several months, since the day I first heard about the upcoming performance one of my favorite local bands. My friends and I got there over two hours early to reserve our spot, before heading across the street to get dinner.  By the time we got back […]

Thanksgiving Tips For a Well-Mannered Dog

Thanksgiving dog training tips for a well-mannered dog

Our Thanksgiving feast is definitely among my favorite meals of the year! Not only is it typically the one week that our entire family is together, that Thursday we gather for delicious appetizers, turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, vegetable casserole, pumpkin bread, and desert. My mouth waters just thinking about it. All those reasons are why […]

Habituation vs Sensitization In Dog Training

habituation vs sensitization in dog training

I know some people who live not far from one of the flight paths going to and away from the airport. I remember us having a discussion one time about how annoying I thought it’d be to hear that loud noise so often. The response I would hear was the same response I got from […]

Dangers Of Chaining Your Dog

While I haven’t seen as much of it lately, I do still see dogs chained in yards. It is a worrisome sight. Even a dog that will wag its tail, approach people with loose body muscles, and lower its head for head scratches in other situations can…and more than likely will become reactive to stimulus […]

Have Patience With Your Adolescent Dog

here is why you should show compassion to your adolescent puppy

This so needs sharing adolescent dogs. Puppy adolescence is such a trying time for dog owners but it is also a very difficult and challenging time for your dog also. Think about teenage people and how tough it is on parents. I am remembering my brother coming home from school to go right up to […]