Distractions and Loose Leash Walking: Walking Dog Past Geese

Let’s talk about dog training with distractions and loose leash walking. With my maltipoo dog, Dawson, being prone to react by barking at other dogs while on leash and within close proximity, many of our walks are not on neighborhood streets. On this path we are pretty sure to not see any dogs BUT we […]

Infant And Dog: Is This Affection Or Kiss To Dismiss?

How often it is that I see pictures or videos with scenes like this one of a stressed dog and an infant. Usually, the caption refers to how the dog is comforting the baby or how the dog is being friends with the infant. I can understand how a parent who is not Dog Aware* may see that. Parents want their dog and child to be friends. It is a natural line of thinking for these parents to think the dog body language is saying, “I love you.” The reality is, this may be an instant of Kiss to Dismiss. As a licensed Family Paws parent educator, I want to encourage you to look at this interaction between dog and infant differently.

How often it is that I see pictures or videos with scenes like this one of an infant and dog. Usually, the caption refers to how the dog is comforting the baby or how the dog is being friends with the infant. I can understand how a parent who is not Dog Aware* may see […]

Gaining Wings Book Helps Families Deal With Losing A Pet

Leave it to my friends at Angel’s Paws pet hospice to publish a wonderful book, Gaining Wings, all about helping families with kids deal with the grief of losing a pet when their pet goes over the Rainbow Bridge.

In my mind, there is no such thing as ‘just a pet’.  Animals that live and have lived in my home are very much part of my family. My dogs and birds have brought me comfort, listened when I needed an ear, been close when I just needed company, made me laugh and smile, and […]

Why Good Management When Introducing Your Puppy To Your Dog?

Why use good management when introducing your puppy to your dog? I am glad you asked! That can very well set the stage for your housemates’ future relationship. Let’s delve into this…with the story of my clients and their aussiedoodle dogs - Archie and Auggie.

Why use good management when introducing your puppy to your dog?  I am glad you asked! That can very well set the stage for your dogs’ future relationship. Let’s delve into this…with the story of my clients and their aussiedoodle dogs – Archie and Auggie.

Dog Success Stations Prevent Problem Behaviors

Success Stations (coined by my teacher/mentor Jen Shryock of Family Paws) are management strategies for kids and dogs (and puppies) aimed at preventing problem behaviors BEFORE those behaviors become a THING.

If you are a parent, you more than likely already know this. Parenting can be even more challenging when your family includes a baby, infant or kids and a dog. Even if human kids are not part of the mix, raising a puppy can have its frustrations, absolutely! Dog Success Stations (coined by my teacher/mentor […]

I Am A Certified Family Dog Mediator

Certified Dog Trainer Lisa Desatnik is now a certified family dog mediator.

I just earned a new certification. I am a ‘Certified Family Dog Mediator!’ This is an important accomplishment for me in my dog training career.  I got into this field because I wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of others, to improve their quality of life and strengthen the relationships that give […]

When Your Dog Has Something He Knows He Should Not Have

Is your dog REALLY staying away because he has something he knows he should not have? Or is your dog staying away because he has something he values, and he does not want you to take it from him? More than likely, it is the later.

Let’s talk about dog resource guarding. Have you ever said this about your ‘bad’ dog? “My dog stays away from me or growls at me if I come close, when he has something, he KNOWS he should not have?” I hear this from dog owners enough so that I thought it would be worth talking […]

Should A Child Lay On A Sleeping Dog?

Parents, please do not encourage or allow your child to lay on your sleeping dog.

It is so easy to find photos and videos of kids and dogs like this online. A young child showing affection to her dog by laying on top of her family dog while he is sleeping. In this image, it even looks like it may have been posed. In other words, someone (perhaps a parent […]

Are dog parks good for socializing your puppy or dog?

Should you take your dog to a dog park? Cincinnati certified dog trainer has some consideration.

Are dog parks good for socializing your dog or puppy? I am a regular guest on WCPO’s Cincy Lifestyle with Pete Scalia, Michelle Hopkins and Mikhayla Hughes-Shaw. Last month we talked about this topic. Below you can see our discussion.

Bathing Your Puppy: Teaching Cooperative Care

Now is a great time to teach your puppy to enjoy bath time, and have control over the grooming activity. As a Fear Free certified dog training professional, we call this training cooperative care. It greatly reduces an animal’s stress by giving that animal agency (choice and control) over what happens. This video and post shares puppy training tips for doing this.

When it comes to bathing your puppy or dog, now is a great time to teach your puppy to enjoy bath time, and have control or agency over the grooming activity. As a Fear Free certified dog training professional, we call this teaching cooperative care. It greatly reduces an animal’s stress by giving that animal […]