A Tip For Parents Of Kids And A Dog
On teaching loose leashing walking with your dog and your child…. On growing Dog Super Heroes: First teach your dog the value of walking by YOUR side by marking and reinforcing your dog for being next to you; and then teach your child how to be a calm, positive teacher to your dog the same […]
Canine Hip Dysplasia: Symptoms and Exercises

Do you know what hip dysplasia is in dogs? And what types of exercise can help a dog that has it? I spoke with Physical Therapist Ginger Jones, CCRP, at Care Center Animal Hospital in Cincinnati about the symptoms of canine hip dysplasia and some helpful exercises for dogs.
Gift Idea For You Young Dog Lover
Are you looking for gifts for your child who loves dogs? Here are some considerations.
Tips For Stopping A Pet’s Problem Behavior
I get the question all of the time…”How do I STOP my pet’s (unwanted) behavior?” Many times when I ask follow up questions, I learn the question was asked because attempts at stopping the behavior have failed.
Stop Blaming Your Dog For Misbehaving
When our pets do things that we do not like, it is easy to put the blame on them. But the truth is, they are not doing things to purposefully be bad. They are doing what works to fulfill a need and get them something of value. Instead of blaming our pets, let’s focus on […]
Awesome Students!
The first time I met this beautiful little girl, she was very timid and backed up and barked a lot from people and dogs and her environment. Now her tail wags a lot, she has initiated play with other puppies we’ve socialized her with, and she is one smart student. […]
Does Your Dog Like His Halloween Costume?
If you want to dress your dog in an outfit, please make should make sure your dog is comfortable. Dogs will communicate this with their bodies. Some signs of a happy dog are: relaxed body muscles; loose lips or even open mouth with loose tongue; rhythmic panting. Some signs that a dog is not […]
Are You Helping Your Pet Succeed?
Such a great quote. It reminds us, as our pet’s teacher it is our job to do what we can to help our pets to succeed. Ask yourself these questions: Am I teaching in an environment where my pet is not too distracted? Do I have high enough value reinforcers? Am I breaking down […]
Halloween Behavior Tips For Your Dog
We’re coming up on one of my favorite holidays, Halloween, but it is not necessarily the favorite holiday for pets. Here are a few behavioral tips to help your pet have a stress free holiday.
Join Me At The Paw Joggers Run
I am so looking forward to the Paw Joggers Rescue Run on October 18, and hope you will join me.