A Reminder About Behavior
I’m sharing one of my periodic reminders…whether you call it training or not, your pet is constantly taking in feedback from its environment (including you). Behaviors that “work” to get your pet something “it” values, will be repeated. It is that simple and that complex. If your pet continues to do something you do not […]
Dog Resource Guarding – Should You Approach?
Are You Puppy Police?
When the subject comes up of scolding a puppy (or dog) for getting into something humans think it shouldn’t, chewing up something of value to humans, or going potty in the house, I want to remind you of this comparison I like to use.
Lessons Learned For Dog Training Success
(Note that this was actually written several years ago for something. I just found a copy of it.) I was thinking about this the other day when I was working on teaching our family dog, Sam, a new behavior. I was working on teaching him the leg weave (where he runs around a leg when […]
Transferring Cues in Dog Training
There are times when you would like to teach a new cue for a particular behavior. Maybe you want to add a verbal cue to a hand signal or vice versa. Transferring cues in dog training really is not that difficult to do. I’ll explain below. First, I want to remind you about some cue basics.
Six Books For Kids On Dogs
If you have a child and a dog, these books are colorful, well written and packed with important lessons on being a dog super hero.
Should You Avoid Dog Parks?
When dog caregivers think about socialization and exercise, often two words come to their mind – dog park. Not only are those places enclosed areas for dogs to run and play, they are places where people meet other people who share a love for their pets.
Why I Don’t Like The Word ‘NO’
The word NO is often used as a punishment to stop unwanted behaviors in dogs. These are some reasons why I do not like using it in dog training. It doesn’t teach your pet what you’d like for him to do instead. It can create apathy, fear, anxiety, aggression.
Six Reasons Why Your Dog Is Not Food Motivated
The other night, I met a lot of new faces at a dog event. I knew I would be making introductions so I brought my a baggie of my homemade dog treats, the ones I use in training that my clients and our Sam typically get a response of quick attention. But, at that outdoor […]
A Lesson For Kids About Dogs
What a terrific group of dog Super Heroes! It was so much fun teaching them about being a positive teacher and friend to their dog…with Zurie and Hannah’s help. Thank you so much to Cincinnati Sports Club for having us…and being proactive in wanting to teach kids and parents these important lessons. AND thank you […]