Understanding Reinforcers

understanding primary and secondary reinforcers in dog training

If you have been around me long enough, you have more than likely heard me talk about using clickers, verbal markers like ‘YES’, treats, toys and games in dog training. When used to strengthen behaviors we want to see, by definition those are all reinforcers because a reinforcer is a consequence that increases the rate […]

Practicing Behavior Fluency

When you teach using positive consequences to behavior, you get a student who wants to engage, learn and listen.

Even Older Dogs Can Learn

learning and enrichment add to your dog's quality of life, no matter the age

This weekend, I was with my aunt’s 13 year old sheltie who has cataracts, has lost much hearing, and doesn’t move around like she did. I see learning as enrichment and I love teaching so I wanted to give Molly something constructive to do. I went to my car and brought in an orange cone […]

How Words Affect Behavior

in dog training, our verbal cues and voice intonations affect our dog's success.

Have you ever stopped to think about how difficult it must be to be a dog (or other animal) living with humans many times larger than him who speaks a completely unknown language, who has rules that often times are secret until you do something to break them, and who expects you to easily understand what it […]

Motivating Operations For Training Success

Yesterday morning, in the later part of a training appointment for a precious eight week old puppy, we spent a little time working on teaching her the crate is a good place to rest. It was after we were in their back yard moving around, having her thinking and playing. She was a tired little girl […]

Should You Punish Your Dog From Growling?

I’ve seen and heard about it happen all too often. A child may reach over to take a dog’s toy or give a dog a big bear hug only to be greeted by a low growl from the dog, followed by a scolding to the pet. Or a dog on a leash tenses his body […]

Dog Body Language And Dog Stress Signals

How well do you understand dog body language? Do you know how to recognize dog stress signals? Being able to recognize your dog’s communication is a very important step toward helping your dog to feel safe and giving your dog agency or choice. Being dog aware (a phrase coined by Family Paws) will also help […]

Reduce Frustration By Changing Your Focus

At an appointment the other day, we were going to go outside to begin working on leash skills. And, as my client picked up the leash, her dog’s arousal quickly rose as he began jumping on her and biting her arms. Frustrated, she told him, “NO!” and tried pushing him down all to no avail. […]

Socialization For Puppies

When it comes to setting your young puppy up for success to handling life experiences with confidence and an eagerness to discover and learn rather than approach unfamiliar noises and sights with trepidation, the greatest gift you can give your new companion is early socialization.

Teaching Moments Abound

My reminder to you…every moment of every day is a teaching and learning opportunity for you and your pet. Reinforcers are all around. They are that chance to go outside, to play ball, to clip on a leash, to greet a human, to chew or sniff. They are powerful tools in your behavior change toolbox […]