Generalization And Discrimination In Dog And Other Pet Training

A dog who jumped at the sound of a heavy box falling to the floor can become frightened by other sudden noises down the road. A dog who has had many different positive interactions with children will come to learn the presence of kids means good things happen.

Are you Teaching Your Dog To Run Away?

Just a reminder, you will see more of the behaviors that you reinforce. If your dog gets a bigger pay off from running away from you, that is a choice you may see more often. If you want to teach your dog a reliable recall, your consistency in teaching your dog that the choice of […]

What Dogs Dislike About Halloween

I really enjoy Halloween. I especially love seeing the little children dressed in costume. There is something so very special about that to me. But, as much as I look forward to the holiday, there are many dogs who would be more than happy to forego the whole night. I’ve written about Halloween in the […]

Understanding Learned Irrevelance

Have you ever felt like you are being completely ignored by your dog when you ask your dog to do something? It happens between two humans too…and the problem has destroyed relationships. It can be so frustrating, grrr! Why is this happening? Is it a case of a suddenly very dumb, obstinate, stubborn, bull headed […]

Do Not Disturb

Parents, please teach your children about the Do Not Disturb sign above dogs that are sleeping and/or contained. Dogs that are sleeping can startle if touched and should be allowed to sleep in peace. Contained dogs (like a dog in a crate, behind a gate, on a tether, or other enclosed space) have no means […]

Testing A New Kong Enrichment Toy

Our Sam loves it when Kong sends me new toys to test!  Here he is trying out a new dog food dispensing toy called the Tiltz. Enrichment is so important for dogs. There are so many fun ways you can use food to create fun indoor games for your dog, and so many toy choices […]

Talking In Dog Training

I was observing a client the other day showing me how she asks her dog to come. “Fido (not his real name), Fido, Fido,” she shouted as her dog looked the other direction, sniffed something on the ground, and then decided to return to her. Another time I was watching a man demonstrate loose leash […]

Kids: No Bear Hugs Please

parents - why dogs do not like bear hugs from children, and tips for petting your dog

Parents, please note, when it comes to helping your children build strong a strong relationship with their dog, it is important to remind them that big bear hugs make most dogs very uncomfortable – and NO ONE likes being around someone who makes them feel uncomfortable.

Treat And Retreat

Sometimes, the unexpected happens…and it becomes a good topic for a blog post! Last week, while working outside with a longtime client, a man came by on a bike. He happens to be a dog lover so he stopped and got off his bike to say hello. Everything seemed fine about that, the girl on […]

How To Keep Dogs Off The Couch

From time to time I get asked how families can keep their dog from jumping on their sofa or chair. I have also gotten asked whether or not they should even allow their dog on furniture. Let’s talk about the second sentence first. Unless you have a situation of location guarding, meaning your dog stiffens […]