Kids And Dog Training
Can children learn how to dog train and be a positive, safe dog friend? Absolutely!
Why I Don’t Teach NOT To Do Something
The other day, as my client and I (and her dog) were preparing to go outside, I witnessed what I see a lot. And it got me thinking about a lesson for everyone.
Safety Tips If Approached By An Off Leash Dog

A few weeks ago I was going for a walk. Suddenly a large dog came charging across the street and when it got close, it barked then moved away, came closer, barked and then moved away. Had I continued to walk, run away, flailed my arms, or moved toward it, the situation may very well […]
Tips For Teaching Your Dog Loose Leash Walking

Pulling or reacting to passers by while on a leash is such a common complaint I hear from people about life with their dog. And, understandably so. If you have ever been that person on the other end, you know it can turn what was supposed to be a care free walk into a major […]
Why A Dog Would Not Budge
Last week a client clipped her dog’s leash on his collar and proceeded to walk to the front door, only her dog just stopped midway through the living room and would not move. It was an opportunity to remind her – and all of you – that there is ALWAYS a reason for behavior. Yes, […]
Importance Of Playing With Your Dog
Training aside. I have another question. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you think your pet would rank you in terms of fun?
Business Lessons from Dog Training
I had been thinking for a long time actually about writing about how my lessons from dog training impact human relationships also. In this week’s Cincinnati Business Courier, I have a guest column about some of those lessons for management. You can read it online here (you will not be able to see the full […]
Labeling Dogs And Other Pets Can Go Wrong
Perfectly said, Ellen DeGeneres! So much can go wrong when we apply labels (constructs) or stereotypes or assumptions to others, including our pets.
Considerations In Teaching A Dog To Stay

I see it happen so very often. People ask their dog to ‘stay’ and their dog pops right up into a stand or sees a distraction and jumps up to go investigate. Or they repeat ‘stay’ over and over and over again to their dog. And their dog remains in position if for no other […]
Kids – No Dog Headlocks Please
Parents, a reminder that dogs – like all animals – learn positive or negative associations based on past experience. To strengthen your child’s relationship with your dog and help to prevent dog bites, please teach your child that instead of giving headlocks and big bear hugs that can make dogs uncomfortable, to be a dog […]