Kids And Dogs: Eating In Peace
This photo always makes me shutter. There are so many potential negative outcomes from allowing little children (really anyone of any age) to be hovering over a dog while eating…adding to that having little hands intruding on a dog’s resource by reaching into the bowl from which the dog is eating. This can make a […]
Dog Training Tip: It’s About Choices
Dog (and other pet) training tip: Just a reminder that your pet is always learning and always making choices (just as you are). Sure, you can teach with force but that sure doesn’t foster a love of the education process.
How Behavior Chains Cause Dog Behavior Problems
If you have a dog that continues to move to the end of the leash, bark for attention, jump on people, or bump your leg at the dinner table despite your best efforts to teach an alternative behavior, there are many reasons it could be happening. One of those reasons could actually be that you […]
Joel’s Legacy: Adoption Is About Love
A Lesson In Love Learned By Joel On the day after DOGust Day, a day when we celebrate the birth of adopted dogs whose real birthdays may be unknown, I’d like to share with you his very special story. His life, his spirit and his journey while here on earth so moved the people in […]
Why Positive Punishment Is…Punishing
It is not all that uncommon to hear from people about their using tactics like making a loud noise, popping the leash, or taking out the squirt bottle to stop their dog from doing annoying behaviors. Bird owners may wobble their hand when their bird (that is standing on it) puts its head down to […]
An Overly Bitey Puppy Needs Rest
A puppy training tip: I was just having another talk about this yesterday. Remember, puppies need A LOT of sleep in a day, over 15 hours.
Understanding Superstitious Behavior In Pets
What is something that parrots and dogs have in common with a world class athlete – superstitious behaviors! Understanding this, can help you in solving some pet behavior problems.
Teaching Your Dog Recall: A Tip
A Dog Training Tip: Teaching Your Dog To Come With Positive Reinforcement Does your dog ONLY come when he/she has no better option? Remember, when given a choice, animals will choose the behavior that produces the most valued outcomes for that specific animal.
Puppy Socialization: A Park Visit
Do you have a new puppy? Its first three months of life are a critical time in its development. This is the time when it will develop lasting positive or negative associations with its world. Your puppy’s brain is highly adaptable and it is a great time to set the foundation for the rest of […]
Observations Of Leash Behaviors
I often hear complaints from people about their reactive dog lurching to the end of a taught leash and/or barking at stimulus such as dogs, people or cars. They are frustrated. They want to be able to take a long walk with their dog by their side – no pulling, no barking (and especially no […]