Cues vs Commands In Dog Training

In dog training, semantics matter. Why I use the word 'cue' to refer to teaching a behavior to a dog.

When talking about dog training it is common for people to use the word COMMAND when talking about teaching behaviors, or referring to behaviors that dogs know. It is a word that is spoken probably without giving it any more thought than that, often, even by people who are using positive reinforcement to train behaviors. […]

Are You Helping Your Pet Succeed…Or Fail?

Dog training tip - ask yourself if you are helping your dog succeed or fail

A dog training tip Always ask yourself: In this moment, am I helping my pet to succeed or fail in my lesson? Remember, if your pet is not doing what you want it to do, it is more than likely not a matter of being stubborn or dumb.

Proactive VS Reactive In Solving Pet Behavior Problems

Are you proactive or reactive In solving dog behavior problems?

When it comes to solving pet behavior problems, do you tend to be proactive or reactive? In other words, do you wait for your pet to do the unwanted behavior, and then use either punishment or redirection to change it….or, do you anticipate when the behavior is likely to happen and take steps to prevent […]

Minimize Halloween Stress For Your Dog

tips for minimizing Halloween stress for your dog

With so many strange noises, sights, activity, and sometimes being forced to wear something (a costume) they do not enjoy, Halloween can be a stressful holiday for dogs, puppies and other pets. Below are some tips for dog owners to minimize stress for their pets this season.

How To Give A Dog A Pill

Have you ever needed to give your dog or puppy oral medication? If you haven’t yet, more than likely, at some point in your lives together you will. I give my Dawson pills three times a day now. With that much practice, I have come to realize, if I didn’t make this as easy and […]

Dawson’s Untold Story: Living With Canine Anxiety Issues

Cincinnati Certified Dog Trainer Lisa Desatnik talks about putting her maltipoo dog on Prozak and Trazadone for canine anxiety

My dear Dawson has changed my life in so many ways, given me a greater understanding of behavior, and helped me to have even deeper empathy for others who have a dog with anxiety issues, fear, or other behavioral problems. He has taught me important lessons in love, acceptance of imperfections, and being open to […]

Train Your Child As You Train Your Dog

A dog training tip for parents with kids and a dog

I had a first appointment the other day with a family that includes two young girls (ages 6 and 10) and a new puppy. Whenever I work with families like this one, part of helping them get off to the right start is about teaching the parents how to supervise and manage their kids and […]

Self Control Zen Treats – Beginner Game

Self control or impulse control is not a skill dogs are born knowing. They see a squirrel, they charge after it. They smell scents and they  stop to take it in. They see an open doorway and they run through it. They see tasty food and they grab it. Teaching this is a great foundation […]