Training, Not Luck, Gets Good Manners

quote about dog training

Have you ever passed someone walking his/her dog on the street or in a store or park whose dog walked perfectly on a loose leash and sat to greet people… and wondered how that person got so lucky to have a dog like that?

Changing Criteria In Behavior

Does your dog know a hand touch from a standing position, but looks at you with a blank stare if you present your hand while your dog is sitting?

The Four Quadrants Of Consequences

understanding the four quadrants of operant conditioning in dog training

I watched as a client’s puppy jumped and wiggled when she tried to clip a leash onto his collar. “Is that the behavior you would like for him to exhibit each time you present a leash?,” I asked. “No,” was her answer.

Getting Your Dog To Come Inside

getting your dog to listen to you and come inside

I was asked again the other day how to get a dog to come inside from the yard, when the dog clearly does not want to. “She is so stubborn,” I was told. “I can call her over and over and she completely ignores me. I used to be able to lure her in with […]

Home Dog Enrichment Ideas For Your Dog

Dog Enrichment Game - indoor food maze

During this COVID-19 social distancing time, as you are spending much more than usual time at home with your dog, I will be sharing ideas for helping to enrich your pet’s day…and add some fun to yours too. Here are a few ways you can feed your dog and add more enrichment than simply feeding […]

Socializing A Puppy During The Coronavirus Pandemic

puppy socialization during coronavirus pandemic

For puppies, what they experience – or don’t experience – sets the foundation (in addition to their genetics)  for the rest of their life when it comes to so much like whether novel sights, sounds, people and things will frighten them, create no reaction, or cause a positive emotional response. Or whether they will be […]