When Multiple Cues Compete In Dog Training

I was watching a client show me how she asked her dog to lay down the other day. She first got food in her hand, then bent over from the waist, moving her food hand all the way to the ground while saying ‘down’ to her dog. Little did she realize that each one of […]
People Spotlight: Susannah Maynard

Occasionally you will see me take a break from my behavior columns to write about an organization, event, or person making a difference. Today, I want to introduce you to Susannah Maynard, the gifted animal photographer behind Cincinnati’s pet lifestyle magazine – CincyPet, for which I am the training expert columnist. In addition to CincyPet, […]
When Dog Training Cues Break Down…

A few weeks ago, I issued this challenge: If you think you have a dumb or stubborn dog, instead of labeling your dog, hold yourself responsible for creating an environment that motivates your pet to want to learn what you are teaching. To me, that is such an important challenge. It speaks to the way […]
Teaching Your Dog To Stand
Looking for a rainy day activity or just a fun new behavior to teach? Here I show you how I taught my Dawson to stand from a sit. This is also called a ‘kick back’ stand because he is using his back legs to bring himself up.
Stop Repeating Cues In Dog Training

Just a friendly reminder. If you are needing to repeat your cue over and over, louder and louder, stop and give it some thought.
Why Bootleg Reinforcement Challenges Dog Trainers

You may have heard of bootleg as it refers to unregulated booze but I bet you didn’t know bootleg can also be a cause for major challenge when it comes to dog training, and changing the behavior of really any living species. I am referring to bootleg reinforcement. Here is a scientific definition: With bootleg […]
Dawson Searches For His Meal

Instead of feeding him from his bowl, I often feed Dawson either through games, toys, activities or training. As you can see in this video, I think he enjoys this dog scent game a lot. If he didn’t I know I would need to change what I am doing or how I am doing it. […]
The Sit Challenge

In dog training, when it comes to teaching your dog behaviors, remember it is the reinforcement history that a behavior has that builds value and strength of that behavior. With that in mind this dog sit challenge practices a lot of repetitions of your dog sitting in a quick amount of time. How many times […]
How To Give Your Dog Enrichment

Enrichment is an important element when it comes to quality of life for captive and companion animals by reducing stress, providing needed mental and physical stimulation, encouraging species-typical behaviors, and empowering animals.
A Dog Training Lesson From Cheetos

I have a real weakness for some types of food that are not good for me…like Cheetos and yogurt covered nuts. It is why I do not have it in my house. Eating that stuff in large quantity causes my pants to get tighter and can make me bloated the next day.