Why Your Dog Only Leaves It For Dinner

Two of the foundation behaviors I like to teach are recall (coming when called) and leave it or wait (meaning leave something alone). Often a dog will learn to come to the cue of TREAT or will wait for his dinner upon hearing the cue LEAVE IT, but will not reliably do those behaviors at […]
Happy Holidays!

During the holiday season, I like to remind my friends, family, clients, supporters and followers how very much all of you mean to me. Thank you…to all of you for being among my gratitude list.
A Perfect Gift Idea For Young Dog Lovers!

Does your family include a dog AND human children? Or do you have relative kids in your family who regularly interact with your dog or puppy? Give your child a gift of an online dog training class for kids made to be fun for everyone!
2020 Holiday Gift Ideas For Dog Families

Buy local! I have put together a short list of some great holiday gift ideas for dog lovers and dog owners in Cincinnati (and beyond). Each of the ideas is a Cincinnati small business owned or run by a woman who I admire. Let’s support local, small business entrepreneurs to give gifts your dog owner […]
On Housetraining: Why Puppies Pee Inside

This has come up in conversation about raising a puppy several times these past few weeks. If you are trying to teach your puppy to go potty outside, and your little friend, who just emptied his bladder outside urinates after being inside for even a few minutes, it is understandable that you could be frustrated. […]
Minimize Christmas Dangers For Your Dog Or Puppy

Many homes I visit this time of year are decorated with beautiful, festive, welcoming visions. I just love holiday time. It brings out so many warm feelings inside. It also reminds me that it can also create lots of tempting ways for a puppy or active dog to practice behaviors that are unappreciated by people; […]
Be An Awakener To Your Pet

I saw the word ‘awaken’ over the weekend and it spoke to me. There are so many interpretations to that word. Its meaning to me had to do with motivation and inspiration, lighting an internal flame that causes someone to want to do more, be more. Then I thought about how that is a reflection […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Everyone, I wanted to pop in and share a brief Thanksgiving message to all of you. This has been a tough year for all of us in so many ways. I get it. It has tested me to my core. One challenge after another.
How To Stuff A Kong

There are a number of reasons why giving your dog a stuffed Kong, West Paw Toppl Toy, or other similar product can be good for your dog…and for you.
Be Clear In Teaching House Rules
Have you ever lived with or worked for someone who criticized you often for things that you did when you didn’t even know in advance that what you were doing was something unacceptable?