Teach Kids NO Dog Hugs

Hi Parents, A little reminder…dogs in general do not enjoy getting big bear hugs.

teach kids NO dog hugs

This dog may enjoy doing other things with the girl but it is clearly not enjoying its interaction with her in this moment. Notice the avoidance of eye contact and stiff muscles. If the girl continues to do this when she is around her dog, it won’t take long for the dog to begin doing more of avoiding being in her space…as past experience will have taught the dog that being in her space means there is a probability of her doing something it does not enjoy. Teach your children to say NO to hugging dogs. Your dog will thank you.

contact Cincinnati Certified Dog Trainer Lisa Desatnik

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Lisa Desatnik

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed 
  • Certified Fear Free Professional
  • Certified Family Dog Mediator
  • Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator
  • Certificate of Completion – Aggression in Dogs Master Course
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant
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