Who Is Training Whom?
My dad loves to share stories of Sam’s brilliance…and keen sense of hearing. The two buddies often travel together to the store. My dad says he can’t leave without Sam because Sam knows right away when dad is getting ready to leave and comes running to go with him, waggling his tail and holding aRead more “Who Is Training Whom?”
A Different View On Dog Behavior
Someone shared with me the other day of her frustration she was having with her dog. It seems her dog has a favorite pillow in her bedroom she keeps on the ground and as soon as she goes in there with her dog, Fido lays on it. She keeps yelling at her dog when FidoRead more “A Different View On Dog Behavior”
Training People Is Like Training Dogs
Did you know you can train people just like you can train dogs and parrots? What is so awesome about learning how to train non-human animals with scientifically sounds positive
Effectiveness Is Not Enough In Animal Training
I was one of more than 500 trainers from across the globe who convened on Dearborn, Michigan in March for the Karen Pryer Clicker Training Expo. It was a phenomenal opportunity to learn from some of the best trainers and behaviorists whose focus is on modifying behavior in the most positive way. What also madeRead more “Effectiveness Is Not Enough In Animal Training”
Dog Training Tips To Prevent Thanksgiving Begging
I can’t believe Thanksgiving is around the corner. It is my favorite holiday because it is the one time of year when my whole family is together.
Solving A Dog Chewing Problem With Positive Reinforcement
The other day, I was sitting in the home of a friend as she was telling me about one of the issues they are having with their dog. “He chews on things he shouldn’t be chewing on like furniture,” she said.
Is Your Dog REALLY A Guilty Dog?
Time and time again I see pictures and videos posted online of the guilty dog who knows he did something really bad. That naughty boy’s face quickly goes viral, probably because so many dog owners can relate.
How Do You Practice Positive Reinforcement?
The ultimate test of understanding positive reinforcement principles is not how we practice it with the animals in our care but how we practice it with one another. – Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.
Using Antecedent Arrangement In Solving Pet Problems
When it comes to modifying a pet’s behavior, my focus is always on the most positive least intrusive solution.
Solving Mouthing Problem Of Great Pyrenees Puppy
I was asked this question by Karie, and I thought I’d write a post to answer her so that she and others can learn from it. Karie’s question: I have a 22 week old Great Pyrenees, had him since he was 4 weeks old. When we pet him, at any time, he tries to putRead more “Solving Mouthing Problem Of Great Pyrenees Puppy”