Why Bootleg Reinforcement Challenges Dog Trainers
You may have heard of bootleg as it refers to unregulated booze but I bet you didn’t know bootleg can also be a cause for major challenge when it comes to dog training, and changing the behavior of really any living species. I am referring to bootleg reinforcement. Here is a scientific definition: With bootlegRead more “Why Bootleg Reinforcement Challenges Dog Trainers”
Failing To Stop Your Dog’s Behavior May Create A Resilient Problem
Here is something to think about. Each time that you try to try to stop your pet from doing something you don’t like, you are making it that much more difficult to change the behavior in the future. In fact, you more than likely are actually making that unwanted behavior even strong and more resilient.Read more “Failing To Stop Your Dog’s Behavior May Create A Resilient Problem”
Why Teach Go To A Mat
This week seems to be my week for mat work. Twice already I have been working with clients to begin the process of teaching their dog that a mat is a pretty awesome place to hang out and relax, as it is the place where valued stuff happens.
Tips For Stopping A Pet’s Problem Behavior
I get the question all of the time…”How do I STOP my pet’s (unwanted) behavior?” Many times when I ask follow up questions, I learn the question was asked because attempts at stopping the behavior have failed.
Why Ignoring A Pet Problem Behavior Is Not Enough
Dog Training Tip: When you are trying to stop your pet’s unwanted behavior, do you ‘try’ to ignore it or ignore it ‘most of the time’? Whenever I am meeting with a client and hear those words, right away I know that is a good indicator of why that behavior has become so resilient. IntermittentRead more “Why Ignoring A Pet Problem Behavior Is Not Enough”