Six Tips To Use Distractions In Dog Training
It is a very common problem of companion pet owners. Their dog ‘knows’ a particular behavior like sit or stay but seems to completely forget or tune out when there are distractions around. And often that dog may be labeled bull-headed, stubborn, dumb, or dominate.
Kathy Sdao: Teaching and Loving Your Older Dog
I found a picture the other day of our dear Butch doing a behavior he was most known for, sitting up with his front paws in the air. It was something we didn’t need to teach. Butch would walk up to anyone and just sit like that, and undoubtedly we got a lot of questionsRead more “Kathy Sdao: Teaching and Loving Your Older Dog”
Dog Training Tip: Focus On Reinforcement
My Monday morning dog (and other pet) training tip: Instead of scolding your pet for doing a behavior you do not like, remember your pet is doing that behavior because it has gotten him an outcome of value to him in the past. That is how choices are made. Not only will scolding not fosterRead more “Dog Training Tip: Focus On Reinforcement”