Considerations Before Adopting A Puppy
Going to a pet adoption event like My Furry Valentine, it is so easy to fall in love at first sight. Those dogs and puppies (and kittens and other animals for that matter) have a way of getting into your heart, and before you know it, you are walking off with a new friend…with whom, […]
Dog Park Etiquette
I am a proud member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants for both the dog and bird divisions (and am a Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant through IAABC). The organization recently published this series of posters about dog park etiquette with some important information and lessons about recognizing problems and appropriate behaviors.
My Furry Valentine is Coming Up
My Furry Valentine, the region’s largest annual animal adoption event, is coming up this Saturday & Sunday, February 13 & 14, 2016, from 11am – 5pm, at the Sharonville Convention Center, 11355 Chester Road, Cincinnati, OH 45246.
Solving Dog Crate Training Problems
I had a very proud moment awhile back (well, I have had many of them but I wanted to write about this one). A client was having a behavioral issue with her puppy, and with information I had taught and shared with her about behavior, she was able to develop a plan to successfully move […]
Cincinnati Has Dog Super Heroes
I was so proud of my newest group of Dog Super Heroes. They were so attentive and focused on learning. My unique My Dog’s Super Hero is a class for Cincinnati area kids to learn about how they can be an awesome dog friend, teacher and playmate. With demonstration dogs, I teach them (and their […]
On Putting The Motivation Into Training
Something to give you thought… When ever we can lead and teach by inspiring curiosity and positive outcomes in an environment where our student can succeed, our learner will be more motivated to want. Have fun with training and your pet will too!
Dog Flight Instinct Period
Ugh! You have invested so much of your time, energy and even resources in training your puppy. You have taken him out to be confident around many people and situations. Everything was going really well, that is, until…
Benefits Of Feeding Your Dog Through Toys
If given a choice, do you think your dog would CHOOSE to eat from a bowl or a toy? I encourage you to watch this. Posted by So Much PETential on Monday, January 11, 2016
Timing of Consequence Matters
I admire and respect trainer Suzanne Clothier and her holistic approach to the dog-human relationship. I have taken several workshops from her and read some of her books. In her book, Bones Would Rain From The Sky, Suzanne talks about how, “One of the great pleasures of being with dogs is their spontaneous expression of […]
A New Year’s Resolution for Building PETential!
Have you made New Year’s Resolutions? Here are some suggestions for pet training – whether you have a dog or cat or parrot.